Approximately 26 Employees Excessed From The Oakland Facility In 2009 Are Expected To Return
Article 12 § 5.C.5.b (6) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) states in relevant part:
In the Clerk Craft, an employee(s) involuntarily reassigned shall be entitled at the time of such reassignment to file a written request to return to the first vacancy in the craft and installation from which reassigned. Such request for retreat rights must indicate whether the employee(s) desires to retreat to the same, lower, and/or higher salary level assignment and, if so, what salary level(s). The employee(s) shall have the right to bid for vacancies within the former installation and the written request for retreat rights shall serve as a bid for all vacancies in the level from which the employee was reassigned and for all residual vacancies in other levels for which the employee has expressed a desire to retreat.
Recently, the APWU discovered that there were approximately 26 Clerk Craft residual vacancies that Management was in the process of erroneously assigning to unemcumbered Clerk Craft employees. This would have been a violation of section of the CBA mentioned above. The matter has been resolved by the APWU, and 26 employees with retreat rights who were excessed from the Oakland installation in 2009 will have the opportunity to return.