FYI – New PSE Conversion to Unencumbered MOU Signed Today
Dear PSE Members,
On April 16, 2016, I informed you that APWU Headquarters (HQ) was working on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for PSEs to be converted to unencumbered (unassigned regular). The MOU was signed today by APWU and USPS HQ. (See attached) This will be a one-time opportunity to convert PSEs to unencumbered in “select” P&DCs. The time frame for this one-time opportunity will expire on 5/31/18. The request for conversion will have to come from the USPS Areas to their HQ Manager of Strategic Complement Reassignment. I have contacted Oakland P&DC Management to ascertain if they are going to submit a request for PSEs to be converted, via the MOU. To obtain a copy of the MOU, contact your Shop Steward
Fredric Jacobs
President, Local 78