Mail Processing (F1) One-Time PSE Conversions to Unencumbered Full-Time Status
Memorandum of Understanding Between The United States Postal Service And The American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO
RE: Mail Processing (F1) One-Time PSE Conversions to Unencumbered Full-Time Status
The parties agree that in selected Postal Service bid clusters that include Processing & Distribution Centers (P&DCs), Postal Support Employees (PSEs) will be converted on a one-time basis to unencumbered full-time status based on relative standing and placed into unencumbered assignments in accordance with the following:
1. Following conversion, the unencumbered employee(s) will be assigned a set schedule to include hours and scheduled days. Work schedules will be preferenced and assigned at the time of conversion based on relative standing. After the initial work schedule assignment, any schedule change shall be made pursuant to Article 37.4.B.
2. Unencumbered employees shall bid on duty assignments posted for bid and, if they remain unencumbered, shall be assigned to residual full-time duty assignments in accordance with Article 37.4.C.
3. Requests for conversion will be submitted by the Area to the Manager, Strategic Complement Reassignment beginning with the date of this agreement through May 31, 2018. Requests received after May 31, 2018 will not be considered.
4. The request for conversion of PSEs to unencumbered full-time status will be reviewed by the parties at the Headquarters level for final determination. Approved conversions will be provided to the Area for processing.
5. The conversions will be processed at the beginning of the first full pay period following Area notification of approved conversions.
6. For each bid cluster that converts PSEs to unencumbered full-time status in accordance with this MOU, an equivalent number of new duty assignments will be created and posted within 120 days of the conversions, if not already in progress, in order to accommodate the unencumbered employees. Applicants in eReassign on the date of the mutual agreement will also be assigned, priority and regular, in accordance with the ratio found in the MOU: Residual Vacancies — Clerk Craft.
7. Any additional residual vacancies will be filled in accordance with the provisions of the MOU, Re: Residual Vacancies — Clerk Craft in the 2015-2018 USPS/APWU National Agreement.
8. As a result of this agreement the parties agree there will be no Article 12 involuntary reassignments outside the craft, or outside the installation, in the identified bid clusters
Why is this a big secret? Nothing on APWU website and the only thing I can find is on this locals site. At our plant nothing. This could be the biggest thing since “sliced bread” to these people and nothing , , ,