9 July 2018
Comments: Comments Off on Retirement Planning Seminar – Sunday, September 16, 2018

Retirement Planning Seminar – Sunday, September 16, 2018

We have a Retirement Planning Seminar scheduled for Sunday, September 16, 2018 from 10am – 4pm to be held at the Union Office, 7901 Oakport Street, Suite 2300, Oakland,CA 94621.

The seminar instructor is Yoggi Riley.

Only APWU members are allowed to attend, and you MUST RSVP by 1:00pm Pacific on Friday, September 7, 2018.

Click here for the flyer.


9 July 2018
Comments: Comments Off on Fact Sheet #73: Break Time for Nursing Mothers under the FLSA

Fact Sheet #73: Break Time for Nursing Mothers under the FLSA

This fact sheet provides general information on the break time requirement for nursing mothers in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (“PPACA”), which took effect when the PPACA was signed into law on March 23, 2010 (P.L. 111-148). This law amended Section 7 of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Click here or the icon below to see the full Fact Sheet.




Items like this one will also be posted in the Resources section of the website under Library >> To Your Health:


7 July 2018
Comments: Comments Off on New Maintenance Division Council Appointments

New Maintenance Division Council Appointments

After the tragic passing of Director Raymer, Idowu Balogun is now the Maintenance Division Director, effective immediately in accordance with Article 21. Brother Balogun served as the Assistant Director (A) and BMC Coordinator for the past fifteen years. For seven years previous, he served as a Western Region National Business Agent, a member of the Greater Los Angeles Local, and an Electronic Technician at the Los Angeles Plant.

Please click on the image below for the appointments of Assistant Director Waldon and Western Region NBA Baez.

22 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on The Threat is Real to Privatize the Postal Service

The Threat is Real to Privatize the Postal Service

Below is a statement from APWU President Mark Dimondstein on the White House plan to privatize the United States Postal Service.

The White House proposal on restructuring the federal government released today, “Delivering Government Solutions in the 21st Century,” delivered nothing but misinformation and, if implemented, would end regular mail and package services at an affordable cost to 157 million addresses every day. Furthermore, the White House plan is an attack on many federal agencies and the public services they provide.

The White House’s plan states, “Like many European nations the United States could privatize its postal operator…” What’s left unsaid is European nations charge substantially more for mail services delivered in a much smaller area. They also regularly raise the cost of delivery. For example, the cost of sending a letter in the United Kingdom has increased 80 percent over the past decade. By comparison, the U.S. has the lowest postage rates in the industrialized world.

Eliminating the universal service obligation, as the plan suggests, would hurt business and individuals alike, and would be a dagger aimed at the heart of rural America and undermine e-commerce.

The draconian plan uses “burdening the taxpayers” as justification to promote the privatization of the U.S. Postal Service when the truth is USPS is self-supporting and receives no tax dollars for postal operations.

And, while letter mail volumes are lower, package delivery is up substantially. No institution is better suited for the e-commerce revolution than USPS. The public postal service serves each and every person and belongs to the people of this country. According to recent surveys by Gallup and the Pew Research Center, it enjoys the highest level of satisfaction and trust of any government service or agency, rating the highest among young people.

Privatizing the Postal Service is not in the public interest or the interest of postal workers and would be nothing more than a raid by corporate pirates on a national treasure.

This outrageous White House plan should be a wake-up call to every postal worker and APWU member. The threats of postal privatization, the threats to decent union jobs, the threats to good services, are real.

The American Postal Workers Union stands with the people of the country and our many allies in the ongoing fight to ensure a vibrant public Postal Service for generations to come.

More information and calls for action will be forthcoming.

Please forward this e-mail and share far and wide.
1300 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20005 | www.apwu.org 

22 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on USPS Responds to Trump Administration to Reorganize Some Federal Agencies

USPS Responds to Trump Administration to Reorganize Some Federal Agencies

June 21, 2018

Restructuring proposal
USPS responds to administration plan

The Postal Service has issued a statement regarding a Trump administration proposal to reorganize some federal agencies.

The proposal, part of a report the administration released June 21, recommends restructuring and possibly privatizing USPS. The full story is available on the Link site.

[Reproduced from Link email]

21 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on External Tractor Trailer Operator Job Posting 10205004

External Tractor Trailer Operator Job Posting 10205004

External Tractor Trailer Operator Job Posting. The job posting period is 06/19/2018 – 06/25/2018. The job does require an exam.

For more information, click here for the job posting.

For future postings like this one, please see the News >> Craft News >> Motor Vehicle page.

20 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on PSEs Receive Huge Gains In Workforce Benefits Fund Agreement

PSEs Receive Huge Gains In Workforce Benefits Fund Agreement

PSE Members,

APWU HQ issued the message below today. Fredric Jacobs, President, Local 78

On June 13, 2018 the APWU and the Postal Service reached agreement on additional benefits for PSEs. This agreement came out of the APWU’s dispute over a fund that was set up as part of the 2010 National Agreement first for PSE Health care then for additional PSE benefits. The APWU took its dispute over the Postal Service’s failure to use the fund for its intended purposes to arbitration. The APWU’s persuasive case brought the Postal Service to the table, and President Dimondstein after long negotiations and looking at every possible option under the memo negotiated pay, hour and additional benefits for PSEs consistent with the original purposes of the fund.

[To see the full Update & Agreement, please click on the PDF document below.]

Click here for PDF Agreement document

For future postings like this one, please see the Resources >> The PSE Zone.

19 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on PSEs Receive Huge Gains In Workforce Benefits Fund Agreement

PSEs Receive Huge Gains In Workforce Benefits Fund Agreement

PSE Members,

Below, the attached Workforce Benefits Fund Settlement Agreement, PSEs will receive huge gains in the following:
1. Health Care Plan benefits
2. SSDA Uniform Allowances
3. Overtime
4. Payment of Penalty Overtime, and
5. Guaranteed Work Hours.

The effective date of the gains will be as soon as practicable, but no more than 120 days from the signing of this agreement.

Fredric Jacobs
President, Local 78 APWU

[For the full Agreement, please click on the PDF document below.]

Click here for PDF Agreement document

Click here for the Agreement Announcement

19 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on Cancellation of Retirement Seminar

Cancellation of Retirement Seminar

18 June 2018
Comments: Comments Off on Passing of Steve Raymer, APWU National Director of Maintenance

Passing of Steve Raymer, APWU National Director of Maintenance

It’s with profound sorrow that I announce the sudden death of APWU National Maintenance Craft
Director Steve Raymer.

Fredric Jacobs

Full Announcement pdf